ACTS Institute
Our goal at ACTS Theology has been to provide the educational, spiritual, biblical and support necessary for individuals, ministers, & pastors to lead their congregation with strength and joy.
ACTS Theology consists of experienced instructors, biblical teachers & counselors that help train, coach, and encourage those who are attending our biblical institute. Along with our staff and volunteers.
If you are interested in attending ACTS Theology Institute or becoming an instructor within our network, then it will be vital for you to learn about our process to be effective. Encourage & Educate!
Be Equipped for God’s Call on Your Life.
Pursue your vocational calling in biblical and theological studies.
Prepare your heart, mind and soul for ministry through conservative theological training and ministerial-focused experiences. Be equipped with the biblical knowledge and practical skills to serve God, His Church, and His people through teaching, discipling, and caring ministries.
God has called you to minister to our broken and hurting world, and Alliances for Christian Theology & Servanthood Institute (ACTS Inc.) is here to help you fulfill that calling with confidence, competence, and credibility. Our Biblical school programs offer a unique and powerful opportunity to receive classes that connect to a Biblical, Mental, Spiritual and Christian worldview, enabling you to reach the world for Christ effectively.
Join the Global Community:
Join our graduates from over 50 states who have benefited from our Bible school programs. Our global reach allows us to connect with aspiring individuals & ministers like you from diverse backgrounds and cultures, fostering a dynamic and vibrant learning community. By becoming a part of this global network, you will gain insights, perspectives, and support from fellow ministers worldwide, enhancing your learning experience and expanding your worldview.
The Benefit of Our Studies
Biblical and theological studies equips students to make a difference in the Church and within their community. Our department teaches the ability to closely read biblical and historical texts and think critically about complex issues. Our students learn to confidently express themselves in writing and speaking while thinking deeply about ethical issues facing this generation according to God’s Word.
Biblical and Theological Programs

Enrich your knowledge of Scripture with a single academic year of intensive study. Through formal Bible study, you will be personally challenged to deepen your understanding of biblical theology and become a more effective participant in your church or parachurch organization. Self-improvement, Biblical Understanding, Group Study

At ACTS THEOLOGY INSTITUTE, you will build a theological foundation that becomes the basis for your practical ministry. You will be mentored not only academically but also spiritually by professors & ministers who will prepare you for Gospel-centered service to the Church. Become equipped to pursue God’s calling for your life. Ministerial Development, Pastoral Counseling, Outreach Ministry

Take the next step in your preparation for ministry. Discover our ministerial accreditation (graduate) program that are wholly committed to teaching the Word of God, holding to the Great Commission, and equipping the next generation of leaders for the local church and faith base organizations. Accreditation Course’s: Faith Base Counseling, Support Group Theory, Spiritual Formation
Certification, Credentials & Accreditation Course Work
Lay-Minister/Outreach Ministry Program
- Christian Basics – THE 101 (3 Credits)
- Christian Apologetics – THE 320 (3 Credits)
- Evangelism: Presenting Grace – MIN 310 (3 Credits)
- Introduction to Communication – COM 101 (3 Credits)
- Life Coaching Ministry – MIN 250 (3 Credits)
- Ministry Foundations – MIN 101 (3 Credits)
- Missions and Revivals – THE 395 (3 Credits)
Total: 21 credits
This One-two year Lay-Minister & Outreach Ministry Training Program fits
- Individuals whom desire is serve the Lord in ministry.
- Ministers who want continuing education in evangelism
- Christian Leaders who are called to be more effective in sharing the gospel.
Licensed Minister: For individuals seeking a more comprehensive training experience, the Licensed Minister role is an excellent choice. This program offers a comprehensive curriculum & study program. By completing this program, you will enhance your ministry skills and be better equipped to serve in various roles.
Licensed Ministry Chaplain: for individuals seeking to serve the Lord in areas of: hospitals, youth development, outreach ministry or jail & prison ministry, can benefit from the Licensed Ministry Chaplain role. This program will equip you with the tools to provide spiritual care in specific contexts. Getting license or ordained as a chaplain allows you to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need.
- MIN 100-Ministry Calling and Confidence (1 Cr)
- MIN 101 – Christian Leaders Connections (3 Cr)
- Theo 101 – Introduction to Christian Doctrine (3 Cr)
- MIN 110 – Ministry Foundations (3 Cr)
- BIB 112 – New Testament Survey (3 Cr)
- BIB 113- Old Testament Survey (3 Cr)
- BIB 100-Basic Ministry Preaching (3 Cr)
- Theo 110-Christian Leaders Connections (3 Cr)
Total of 22 credit hours
Licensed Chaplain must complete 22 credit hours above plus additional 9 credits of:
- MIN 112-Fellowship and Hospitality Ministry (3 Cr)
- Theo 111- Overview of Mental Health Integration (3 Cr)
- MIN 113-Life Coaching Skills (3 Cr)
Upon successful completion of a student should possess the academic requirements to obtain Ordination of Minister status in The General Council of ACTS & UECA Inc. This would include a mastery of specified Bible content, systematic theology, and ministry skills.
- BIB 210-Biblical interpretation (3 Cr)
- BIB 313-The Corinthian Correspondence (3 Cr)
- Theo 200-Christian theology (3 Cr)
- MIN 200-Spiritual formation (3 Cr)
- MIN 210-Ministry skills (3 Cr)
- MIN 310-Preaching in the Contemporary World (3 Cr)
- Theo 220-Religious philosophy (3 Cr)
- MIN 320-Pastoral care and counseling (3 Cr)
Total of 24 Credits Hours
- Creation, Covenants, and Christ: An Introduction to the Old Testament (3 hrs)
The Law, the Prophets, and the Writings point to Jesus, Son of David and Son of God. This course will survey the Old Testament with a focus on its theological emphases. Attention will be given to the historical background, purpose, message, structure, and themes of each Old Testament book, with an eye toward understanding the promises God both makes and keeps through his Son.
The Christ, the Cross, and the Church: An Introduction to the New Testament (3 hrs)
As of first importance, the New Testament unfolds the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. This course will survey the New Testament with a focus on its theological emphases. Attention will be given to the historical background, authorship, provenance, audience, purpose, and themes of each NT book, in order to understand how the gospel of the kingdom of God shapes the church and its mission.
From Eden to Eternity: The Grand Narrative of Scripture (Biblical Theology) (3 hrs)
Every sentence of the Bible must be understood in light of the whole. This course will explore the grand narrative of Scripture, tracing the work of God as it unfolds in creation, the fall, redemption, and finally in the consummation and restoration of all things in the new creation. Other themes (e.g., the King and the kingdom, law and grace, the true God versus idols, worship and the sanctuary, justice and judgment) will also be considered.
The Good Confession: What Christians Believe (Systematic Theology) (3 hrs)
What comes into our minds when we think about God and his works is the most important thing about us. This course will survey foundational Christian doctrines in order to understand and preserve the faith once for all delivered to the saints. The doctrines of God, Scripture, humanity, sin, Christ, salvation, the Holy Spirit, the church, angels, and the last things will be studied, all with an eye toward deepening loving devotion and witness to the triune God.
- Mission and Foundations of the Body of Christ (3 hrs)
- The Church: Gathered, Governed, and Led (Biblical Ecclesiology) (3 hrs)
The church of Jesus Christ should reflect the very character of God. Far from being pragmatic and incidental, then, the leadership and organization of the church is profoundly significant. This course will explore the doctrine of the church, giving attention to the church’s essence and nature and asking who belongs to it, how it is governed and led, and what symbols shape and bind it together, with an eye toward strengthening churches who will display and declare the gospel.
- Engaging Neighborhoods with the Gospel (3 hrs)
Missions begins not by crossing oceans, but by crossing the street. The course will examine how healthy local churches engage their communities with the gospel. Attention will be given to cultivating cultures of evangelism, hospitality, and discipling, planting and revitalizing other churches, and reaching unreached peoples in order to impact lostness.
- Engaging the Nations with the Gospel (3 hrs)
The nations will be glad and shout for joy in God, but gospel witness comes first. The course will study how healthy local churches—both international and domestic—reach the unreached and multiply disciples and churches for the glory of God. The difference between church-centered and movement-driven missions will be examined.
- Gospel-Driven Ministry and Leadership (3 hrs)
A leader’s sufficiency is Christ and his gospel—not himself. This course will explore how the gospel shapes every aspect of ministry, from leading yourself to leading others. It will confront the dangers of ministry leadership and cast vision both for personal soul care and intentional congregational shepherding, with the aim of forming leaders who preach, pray, love, and stay with their churches and/or ministries.
- Discipling and Developing Leaders (3 hrs)
The church grows strong when leaders entrust what they have learned to faithful people who will be able to teach others also. This course will have a twin focus on fostering a disciple-making culture and raising up leaders within the local church. It will explore how to teach, correct, and model the faith to others—with humility and love—while advancing trust and delegating responsibility in order to develop leaders.
- Christ-Centered Biblical Interpretation and Teaching (3 hrs)
In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Taking that thesis seriously, this course will equip students to interpret the Scriptures rightly and teach them to others, such that Christ is magnified. Attention will be given to biblical genres, the cruciality of context, language (grammar, syntax, words, fallacies), and finally, responsibly teaching Christ from every text in the Bible, corresponding to its place within the grand redemptive narrative of Scripture.
- Counseling and Care of Souls (3 hrs)
In a fallen world we experience many bitter fruits—humans who sin and are sinned against, sickness and mental illness, and as a result, brokenness and pain. This course will provide a biblical framework for understanding and caring for wounded and hurting people. Attention will be focused on providing foundational concepts and knowledge of healthy relationships, life stages, loss, and grief. Issues such as anxiety and depression, addiction, abuse, and mental health will be covered.
Our department provides all students with general biblical and theological literacy, specifically according to the Apostolic, Evangelism, & Faith base tradition. Our students are trained to seek truth and its relevance for the Church and society then apply this truth as the mold which transforms their heart, renews their mind, and shapes their lives.
We fit our students with the lenses necessary for a biblical view that paves the way to Kingdom activity, equipping them with the biblical rationale for culture-related experiences. This allows them to become acquainted with issues connected with biblical scholarship and the content of the Gospel over against the belief systems of the modern scene.
Through our courses, students develop their talents and skills to maximize the advance of the Kingdom of God in the choice and exercise of their profession. Additionally, we urge students with apparent qualifications and gifts for ministry, whether in the United States or abroad, to consider the possibility of such calling.
No need to take a loan out to pay for tuition, we’ve made this as inexpensive as possible.
Serious, seminary-level training from pastor-scholars who know their stuff, and will push you.
Courses that connect sound doctrine to real life, so you can thrive in the places God puts you.
Engage with your Instructor and other students though media platform, & mentoring program.