Hey everyone, come forth and introduce yourself, in order to truly work with one another in the name of the Lord. With the blessing of God, am glad to be a strong part of the ministry, letting me welcome you to one of the important platforms in developing a strong and productive fellowship.
My name if Brother J. I have been a good friend and brother in Christ with Bishop Smith for over 30 years, we have seen a lot, and we have been through a lot, but I am here to say, it was by the will of God, that we are here before you today. It was an honor when my brother Bishop reached out to me and shared the vision God has placed deep within his heart 20 years ago, and I have watched him stand firm in his faith, as well as help others to build a strong relationship with the Lord.
Since his transformation, he has open up the door for me to help others as well. I'm a Christian counselor for trouble youth, as well as for anyone fighting substance abuse. I have worked in prison ministry, as well as within the concept of prison reform, which I truly believe reform begin with salvation, and faith in the Lord.
I have been working with UECA Fellowship since January 2018, while continue to preach at New Life Community Church on the southside of Chicago. Since 2024, I have worked very hard to help bring forth the word of God to many communities. If you have any questions you can always reach me either by DM here or by emailing admin-center@ueca.org
I want to welcome everyone here at UECA fellowship, and I pray that we grow strong each day. My name is Overseer Pat Williams, I have been in ministry for over 25 years, I have been a part and partial of the fellowship here for over 15 years, while I continue to build upon the prison ministry God placed deep within my soul. Since working with members here has given me the strength and the wisdom to help many of our young women who are return to society from prison, uniting them with their children as well as their family, without fear or confusion.
UECA has been a very solid foundation, and they continue to move forward in the light of Christ.
Hello family, this is Bishop Baker, as you know am the chairman of ministry for different programs to help our vets to learn and follow the will of God. I am also part of the board that continue to help our community to share the word of God with many of our youth of today.
I hope you enjoy your time here and begin to work closely with us as we move in the light of Christ.
In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I pray that we can come together not just in the spirit but also within knowledge, wisdom, courage, and most of all true fellowship.
As you know am the senior Chairman for the UECA Ministerial Board, and I pray that we will begin to grow more and more. Knowing that this ministry has so much to offer others, and yet it seems as if we are at a standstill. I have prayed about this for a very long time, trying to figure out if am doing something wrong, or have I misunderstood the vision God has given unto us.
But each day I am encourage to more forward and to continue to counselor, teach, and train others in the way of spiritual growth. But it's not about me, its about the ministry and the kingdom of God. So, I am now reaching out to our fellowship members in grace, hoping that we can build a strong foundation and begin to change the lives of those within our community, within our ministry and within our lives.
As I write this brief introduction and seeking out ways in which we can truly work as one, I have true faith in understanding all that is place before us in Christ gift. If you have any questions or ideals I would love to hear from you.