February 6, 2024

Remembering A Horrendous Evil

Remembering A Horrendous Evil

On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (01/22/24), Hank notes that today is a somber day. January 22nd every year is a solemn reminder of a horrendous evil that took place 51 years ago—The U.S. Supreme Court decision forever memorialized as Roe v. Wade. When searching for information on the Roe anniversary online, the first two search results Hank saw were a study in contrast. The first was a letter from the Diocese of Sacramento signed by the Bishop. The letter urged people of goodwill to observe this day with prayers for the legal protection of human life, works of mercy, and penance in reparation for the persistent violations of human dignity inflicted by the practice of abortion. The second search result was a clarion call by Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood decrying what was described as “tireless and cruel attacks on access to abortion and a call to honor the fundamental right to bodily autonomy—a right, says Planned Parenthood, we can no longer count on the Supreme Court to uphold.” A third article that Hank read was from Aaron Turner Jr. titled, “Black Lives Matter Inside the Womb and Out.” In the article, Turner points out that “While it is good for our culture to wrestle with the question regarding the use of deadly force by police against black citizens, a far greater danger against black lives is going largely unnoticed and unprotested by the black community. I am speaking of the danger posed to black lives by abortion.” Turner not only curses this systemic darkness, but he provides a template for action. First, we must pray. Prayer is a more important weapon in this battle than any of us imagine. Second, churches need to speak up on the issue of abortion. And thirdly, we need to come alongside black women—especially black single mothers—and assure them that if they decide to keep their baby, the body of Christ will be there to support them along the way.

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